Emergency Preparedness
“The safety of our energy delivery infrastructure is not only fundamental to our economy but essential to furthering our environmental goals and facilitating the use of next-generation fuels.”
— Amy Andryszak, INGAA President and CEO
UGI Energy Services is Prepared
Our safety and operations employees have spent considerable time in recent years writing, revising, and updating our emergency response plans (ERPs). When an emergency occurs, UGI Energy Services (UGIES) aims to secure its assets and keep local communities safe.
However, ERPs are only useful if all emergency response personnel regularly exercise them. As such, UGIES schedules regular ERP tabletop exercises and live drills with local first responders at our various facilities and conducts annual reviews and updates of ERPs and asset maps.
Geohazard Identification Program
UGIES engineering and operations personnel are working with a vendor to evaluate our pipelines and determine which assets could be at high risk for disturbance due to gravity, severe weather, seismic activity, and other natural conditions. UGIES is also developing a geohazard program to mitigate and monitor pipeline assets moving forward, as well as a geohazard-specific emergency response plan that includes exercises and drills to refine these procedures further.