Why Choose UGI Energy Services?
We personalize our services to meet your unique needs. Watch the video to learn more.
About UGI Energy Services
UGI Energy Services supplies and markets natural gas, liquid fuels, and electricity, and renewable energy options to 42,000 customer locations across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern US.
A subsidiary of UGI Corporation, we are a supplier, marketer, and midstream services provider backed by over 140 years of natural gas experience, plus our own expanding energy infrastructure.
UGIES is well-positioned to meet the changing energy demands of commercial, industrial, institutional, and government customers for years to come.
UGIES Is the Right Fit for You



Our blog is the place to go for industry news and updates. You’ll learn about different topics from natural gas, electricity, and energy bills to UGI Corporation news, Q&As with top-employees, and more.